National Day Might Be Over but POEMS GUARANTEED 5.8%PA Returns Is Not!

24th August, 2023, 12:06 PM

National Day might be over but POEMS GUARANTEED 5.8%PA returns is not! There is exactly ONE MORE WEEK to take advantage of this never seen before promotion!

Get up to $238 when you opt in & fund your POEMS Trading Account! No lock-in period!. Available for all new and existing PSPL clients! T&C apply

Carry on the celebrations as we look for ways to make our money work harder instead of ourselves!

If you already have a POEMS account, simply follow the link below to transfer funds into your account.
Refer your friends and family to benefit from this great promotion and ask them to set up a new POEMS trading account with us:

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity for guaranteed returns! Act now and make the most of this exclusive offer.
Do drop us a message if you need more details.



Kelwin & Roy

Celebrating National Day with Guaranteed 5.8% returns!!!

3rd August, 2023, 9:38 PM


Good things must share! As we enter August, poems is running a NEVER SEEN BEFOREย promotion. In conjunction with Singapore’s 58th birthday, Poems is running a limited time 5.8%P.A Guaranteed return on funds parked into poems MMF.

Get up to $238 when you opt in and fund your poems trading account. No lock in period and the MMF has never seen a down year ever since it started.

Available for all new and existing clients. Terms & Conditions applies.

More exciting details on the National Day Promo can be found here

If you want to open an account with us, the link can be found here

If you want to speak to us, simply drop us a message HERE.



Kelwin & Roy