About Kelwin and Roy

5th September, 2015, 6:00 AM

Kelwin and Roy awarded
Top 10 Trading Representative of
Phillip Securities 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016

Phillip Securities 2016 Top 10 Trading Representative - Kelwin And Roy
Roy and Kelwin with Phillip Securities Chairman Mr Lim Hua Min at Phillip Securities 2016 Top 10 Trading Representative Award Event.

Being awarded the Top 10 Trading Representative in Phillip Securities for 2016 was a delightful experience that we will never forget! This marks a significant and important milestone in our (12 years combined) careers as Remisiers. We are truly grateful that our efforts and professional services to our clients have paid off.

Looking back to where we first started – our infancy months as remisiers were tough and definitely not an easy walk in the park. Early in our careers, we incurred a huge contra loss (>$100k) due to a client bankruptcy. Needless to say, it was a devastating setback. However, we remained positive and barrelled through with our heads high and our chins up.  With sheer determination and blessings from God, we continued delivering our best efforts to our clients and strived to provide excellent service.

Receiving this award is a testament not only to our track record, but also to our will and mental resilience in coming out of the red (literally!). Over the years, we have serviced numerous clients who trust us and we are ever grateful to their loyal support and partnership with us. Thank you for your belief and contribution to where we stand today. Our accomplishment has not only inspired us to continue providing better and more innovative service to our clients, but has also given birth to this blog.

The blog was created from our desire to reach out to you, our readers. If you have been following us for the past year or just happened to stop by, give us 5 more minutes for us to tell you who we are and what we stand for.

Hopefully, you get a better idea of why we are doing this and how this might just benefit you.

UPDATE – 2018

Once again, we are humbled that we managed to clinch the award of Poems Top10 Trading Rep in the Equity&CFD for Year 2017.

We are honored to have clinched this award for the second year running and will continue to strive even harder to bring our clients timely trade analysis and top notch service.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients for their unwavering support and also to our families who took on the extra duties as we were out conducting our seminars.

Kelwin & Roy awarded with Top Trader Representation for Year 2017.
Kelwin & Roy awarded with Top Trader Representation for Year 2017.


So who are we?

Kelwin and Roy have been licensed remisiers and joined Phillips Securities at the same time. Working together for the past 10 years has strengthened their abilities and skills, while learning to support one another in this professional partnership.

Kelwin Roy
Kelwin with his award.
Kelwin with his well deserved award.

Kelwin is married to his beautiful wife , and together they have two lovely daughters. Before switching to be a licensed remisier, Kelwin worked at a bank for 2 years. Stocks and trading has always been a strong passion of his since his school days. Just one year after joining Phillips Securities, Kelwin was awarded Top CFD rookie in 2012. And went on to clinch the Most Improve Trading Representative Award in 2014. In his free time, he enjoys working out in the gym and swimming with his daughter.

Roy with his award.
Roy with his well deserved award.

Roy was in the Aviation Industry for 5 years before switching to be a licensed remisier with Phillips. With much experience in the US market, Roy has seen through many market ups and downs. Having seen the market crash from the collapse of Lehman Brothers on his birthday of 15 Sep 2008 has taught him that having a disciplined trading plan is crucial. Roy is happily married with two kids one boy and one girl. He was also awarded the Most Improve Trading Representative Award in 2014. In his free time, he enjoy swimming and hiking with his family.

And why we’re doing this?

First, we are highly passionate about the stock market and want to deliver as much knowledge that we have to our clients. We are motivated and believe in giving our best efforts for maximal client benefit! Motivated


Secondly, we believe that knowledge should be free and we share it with all. For too long have we seen people being charged thousands of dollars for courses, only to still lose money  after attending them. Many empty promises have been made leading to broken dreams. This to us is a sad outcome.

In our opinion, the only course fee you should pay is to the market. There should be no stress or pressure to try and recover “course fees” after attending them. We want you to have a clear mind and a stress-free trading environment. In our blog, we never mention courses or payment in our posts.

In our blog sharing, we always put our ideas on a forward looking basis rather than giving hindsight analysis and commentaries. Hindsight will forever be perfect and can be dangerous as well as misleading. Our readers have benefited from learning technical analysis and understanding how the stock market works.

All you need to do is just have an account with us via Contact us and we will guide you in this journey.

Thirdly, we believe in value adding to our clients. Rather than just receiving daily research reports, we invite our clients to our regular client seminars where we share widely on the latest market directions, investment/trading ideas, and products training (such as how to use CFD and advanced order types for proper risk management.)

Additionally, we also provide timely stock market updates and the latest tactical trade ideas to clients via WhatsApp delivery. Doing so has allowed us to reach out to our clients rapidly, and has been a strong key feature of our service which is appreciated by many of our clients. We understand the evolution of technology and use it to our advantage.



Service with a heart. Last of all, we have matured from our past experience and with our current “Family Man” status, we place a huge emphasis on the important of Risk Management.

This principle is reflected in our trading ideas and guidance.

We want our clients to make successful trades and ultimately grow their wealth with us!



Act now!
If you like to enjoy these services together,
or like to know more about us ,
or how we can share our knowledge,
or if you want to grow your wealth with confidence,
Wait no more and open Your Opening Trading Account with us now!

Kelwin and Roy