Peace Out, 2020!

28th December, 2020, 7:05 AM

Peace Out, 2020!

Image Source: (beautiful double rainbow spotted in S’pore on Christmas day)

We’re going to keep this post short and sweet as we all know how 2020 has been for world. No words can probably describe how this year has turned out and we’re glad to have made it through.

The pandemic as opened our eyes to the things we have taken granted for, like just a simple handshake or even a meal with the family. Covid-19 has definitely changed the way we live and interact. As 2020 draws to a close, lets take some time to pause , reflect and be thankful for just making it through.

For some of us, we are able to find the silver linings and positives out of this entire experience. For some, its a year to forget. 2021 will bring new opportunities so lets look up, don’t grow weary and lose heart.

We are thankful for family and friends rallying around us this year. We are also equally thankful and grateful for all your support through the years having seen our ups and downs! We’re looking for greater communication, more value added services in order to enhance our client’s investment/trading journey for next year, so stay tune for that.

Let’s be hopeful,ย  continue to lookout for one another, adapt,ย persevere and encourage the weary. We look forward toย partnering with you all in 2021.




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